DEKAALAS Resolution (Majken Issue)  

Posted by Dil

International (Phils.) Incorporated
7-E Leland Drive
, Balon Bato, Quezon City, Philippines

WHEREAS, the APO-DELTA KAPPA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION with a principal office at 7-E Leland Drive, Balon Bato, Quezon City, Philippines convened for purposes of the above resolution and collaborate the RESOLUTION NO. 001 dated December 04, 2007 of APO Delta Kappa Sorority chapter

WHEREAS, after thorough deliberation and discussion of the officers and members unanimously APPROVED the NON-RECOGNITION of MAJKEN KRISTEL SUMICAD (MAJKEN for brevity) as member of the said chapter and consequently invalidate and considered VOID ab initio the ritual rites and issuance of I.D to MAJKEN;

WHEREAS, in arriving the above resolution, the Alumni carefully scrutinized and validated the following facts and reasons:

a) That sometimes in October 2006 Elma Serrano-Gucilater, Carolyn Belga-Freeman, Alfred Conopio, Magnolia Koh-Sumicad of APO-DEKAALAS, one of them is a relative by affinity of MAJKEN, enrolled at Adventist University of the Philippines in Silang, Cavite for 2nd Semester of school year 2006-2007 for purposes of conducting illegal ritual rites of MAJKEN whose status as unritualized member was about to expire/lapse on the mentioned semester based on the well settled chapter`s Declaration of Principles and Policy;

b) That to save the status of MAJKEN, Elma Serrano-Gucilater, Carolyn Belga-Freeman, Alfred Conopio, Magnolia Koh-Sumicad of APO-DEKAALAS confederated and conspired to each other sometimes in August 2006 and started to materialize their fraudulent/deceiving act by arranging of MAJKEN ritual;

c) That for purposes of realization of MAJKEN rites, they reserved and paid for the hotel venue including catering and other expenses using their own money and funds;

d) That on October 4, Elma Serrano-Gucilater, Carolyn Belga-Freeman, Alfred Conopio, Magnolia Koh-Sumicad APO-DEKAALAS members ritualized themselves MAJKEN despite the strong opposition of Chapter`s Officers. To vindicate their illegal acts, they took advantage of the innocence and securing the approval of Regional Director Ace Somera who knew nothing about their evil mess and plans; and

e) To further vindicate their acts, they coordinated the issuance of APO ID No. 0410-2003-39484 to MAJKEN by conspiring Bro Ernesto Alcanzare of National Office.

NOW THEREFORE, Based on the foregoing premises, We, the Officers and Members of Alpha Phi Omega-Delta Kappa Alumni Association (APO-DEKAALAS), hereby RESOLVE as it is hereby RESOLVED the NON-RECOGNITION of MAJKEN KRISTEL SUMICAD , whose picture attached hereto, as ILLEGITIMATE MEMBER of ALPHA PHI OMEGA-DELTA KAPPA CHAPTER.

RESOLVED at ALPHA PHI OMEGA-DELTA KAPPA ALLUMNI ASSOCIATION principal office this 06 day of March 2008.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, March 12, 2008 at 9:55 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


sad story brods and sisters of dekaalas and delta kappa...i hope this case will be resolved as far as majken... was already given the passwords and the rituals - ceremoniously by legitimate members of apo...the problem came up due to the disregard to proper channels in conducting such activity it seems from what i've read there was definitely a hidden agenda on their part that of having majken ritualized against the will of the legitimate chapter members and their officers... a breach of ethics that of the policies and by laws of dk chapter...let this be a lesson to all of us concerned...we should be clear in the dessimination of our chapter policies and by laws...and that we should give due respect to our authorities and the voice of the majority of our members come what may...i hope again that the rejection of majken is not solely and purely due to very personal and individual reasons but of very valid apo principles and policies as given in your bylaws...if not otherwise majken deserve to be treated as one of us!!!!once an apo always an apo unless decided otherwise by apo on the basis of our loyalty pledge...i love you all in lfs!!!! good luck to all including majken...all others concerned pros or cons...let us be loyal bros and sisters!!!! brod alvin nonato 'tarzan' dekaalas/dekaana-7315-life dk 76-a P.S. i appreciate all the pictures i see in this blog kamusta na lang kay bro orbit at bro floyd!!!!-same

March 13, 2008 at 2:17 PM

It is a sad story indeed. It's even sadder how you can let this slip through your fingers. Wipe your hands after you hold the butter next time butter fingers.

What did Majken ever do to you? Actually it's a great thing that Majken isn't a member of your organization. Cause the way I see it has been weakened by the lack of control for such petty matters. I wonder how many people have infiltrated your organization. All you do is cry about it.

You poor things. You should learn a thing or two from the Skull and Bones, or the Masons and even the Scouts. Loyalty is what they have and what you lack. I wonder why I haven't heard of your group oh yeah because It's a meaningless organization, a frat that stands for fratting laseng.

July 2, 2008 at 12:09 AM

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