Ten Commandments For A Fraternity Brother  

Posted by Dil

Ten Commandments For A Fraternity Brother

Posted by APhiO on Tue 17 October 2006 22:47:13 MDT Articles Send this article Send this article

1. Remember that the pin you so proudly wear over your heart is not merely to show the world that you are a fraternity brother; but also to remind you that you are one.
2. Your fraternity is no more or less than what you make it.
3. Honesty, Integrity, Courtesy and Fraternity should be synonymous terms.

4. It is but an honor and a privilege to be a fraternity brother. Be appreciative by acting the part at all times.
5. Love your fraternity brother more than yourself, and the one without the pin no less.
6. Do not be a snob because you wear a pin, for good hearts also beat beneath vests that do not bear pins.
7. A fraternity can either make or break one's character. It is up to you to determine which one happens.
8. Put forth your best efforts each day in the classroom, in your friends, and in the Fraternity, and you will reap a bountiful harvest.
9. Do not join a fraternity with the idea "What's in it for me?", rather, challenge yourself with "How much can I put into it?"
10. Always remember that you are one of many, yet a thousand eyes are upon you and will judge you and the Fraternity by your words, deeds, and character.

Ed Janison
Spring Semester 1995
Alpha Phi Omega - Mu Chi Chapter
Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Posted at APO-USA eGroup
on Monday, October 02, 2006 10:49 AM
by Bro Ed Janison

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